A Recap of 2012 through my Hair.

2012 was an exciting year with a lot of changes. I started the year off with fresh new haircut, I Big Chopped (BCd) my hair in november of 2011, my hair was about four inchesImage long at that point after about a six month transition. Now I am a year in my journey of being fully natural and I am going to take you through the ups and downs of my first year of being natural. I feel like the number one most important thing about my journey so far was that I started off with a lot of information about Natural hair and what things were found to be good for the hair and which things were damaging, this helped tremendously. Unfortunately after I Big chopped I had a lot of heat damage from straightening early in my transition so I started off with a little hill to climb. I quickly realized that even though some pieces would bounce back the majority of the heat damaged pieces would have to be periodically clipped off. Finally I was free of all heat damage and I started to fall in love with my hair. At this point I starred to do some other styles like twist outs and braid outs and that was really fun, I was becoming more and more comfortable with myself. Having barely any hair really makes you appreciate yourself for who you are. Going flow was really the theme of my hair journey through 2012 because there were so many twists, turns, ups, anad downs that after a the first few snags(pun intended lol) I had no choice but to work with my hair not against it. Now my hair is amazing and I love it and I owe it all to patience and care. This is the best way to end off the year and start a new one by acknowadegeing the accoplishment from the year past. So before that ball drops or after congratulate yourself for another year. Now with only hours left of 2012 I say live it up and go with the flow, not only with your hair but everything in your life. 

Happy New Year Stars!Image